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Rami Mroueh

Learn more about Rami Mroueh

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Hello! My name is Rami Mroueh, and I'm currently in my second year of my master's in global diplomacy at SOAS and (at the time of writing this) a Doha Debates Ambassador who just finished an internship at the Henry Jackson Society. Before that, I studied for 4 years at Brunel University doing a bachelor's in anthropology with a placement abroad in South Korea. I have some advice for those who are entering university for the first time and how you can use it to your advantage while not losing your mind. I believe in a good balance of work and enjoying yourself. University is all about trying new things, and experiences, learning to live on your own and figure out the person you want to be. I will also be throwing in some tricks and tips for how to hack university life and give you a memorable experience no matter what path you choose.

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