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Events Office Internship (Foundervine Internship Program)

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London, UK

Job Type




About the Role

Are you a student eager to make a meaningful impact in the world of entrepreneurship? Look no further! Foundervine is thrilled to announce our Summer Internship Program, designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs from under-represented backgrounds.

Potential Job Offers
Networking Opportunities
Hands-on Experience
Personal Growth
Resume Building
Skill Development

Why Choose Us
Industry-Leading Experts
Commitment to D&I
Learning Culture
Exciting Projects
Impactful Work
Team Collaboration

If you're interested, please contact us at


Are you passionate about events planning and execution? Our Events Office Internship offers hands-on experience in event management, providing you with comprehensive knowledge in planning,coordination, and execution.

About the Company

At Foundervine, we are deeply committed to diversifying the landscape of entrepreneurship by breaking down social and financial barriers for founders from underrepresented backgrounds. To further our mission, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Summer Internship Program, offering hands-on opportunities for students to gain valuable experience and contribute to our mission. Our internship positions are designed to provide comprehensive learning experiences in event planning and execution (Events Office Intern) and database management and expert engagement (Experts Office Intern).

We believe that by offering these internship opportunities, we can empower the next generation of entrepreneurs and create lasting impact in our communities. We are excited to welcome passionate and driven students who are eager to make a difference.

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