Jessica O'Logbon
Click here to learn more about Jessica O'Logbon
Jessica O'Logbon is a medical student who is passionate about widening participation, healthcare leadership and innovation, and tackling health inequalities. She currently has specialty interests in surgery, paediatrics, and child & adolescent psychiatry and would like to pursue an academic clinical career.
In 2016, Jessica was unsuccessful in all of her applications to medical schools so decided to take a gap year. She had to navigate the application process largely by herself and got a job as an NHS healthcare assistant where she was the youngest employee to be awarded the “Make a Difference” Award. She eventually received 3 unconditional offers from her chosen medical schools and by sharing her journey with others, Jessica has inspired many students who have been unsuccessful in their medical school applications to try again.
This has made her a champion for widening participation and supporting young people to pursue higher education regardless of their background. She continues to combine her love of medicine and outreach through her volunteering, mentoring and leadership positions within university and beyond, in order to positively influence and inspire the next generation.
Jessica has been invited to 10 Downing Street along with other medical students in London to provide an insight into what more can be done to increase representation and cultural competence within the medical field to reduce the UK's current ethnic health inequalities. She has since been recognised as one of the Powerlist Media’s Top 150 Future Leaders 2019, is a 2-time national essay competition winner, has published her own e-book and first-authored 2 journal publications so far. She is also a multi-scholarship award recipient.