Looking to get into podcasting, but not sure how? Well this blog post is for you! Whether you're an aspiring podcaster or looking to refine your existing skills, this guide covers everything you need to know to create, launch, and grow a successful podcast.
At Pick Up The Mic, we believe in the power of storytelling and the impact it can have on diverse audiences. Whether you are talking about your favourite TV shows, how to get into the creative industries or discussing the world of gaming and cosplay, you can have an impact with the story(ies) you tell. Let's dive into the essentials of podcasting and help you amplify your voice.
Finding Your Niche
First place to start is finding your niche. Think about your passions and the things you are interested in. What is an area that you feel comfortable talking about? It's important to note with this that you shouldn't pick a niche just because it's trendy or popular. Trends change and people can tell if you are passionate about a subject from how you speak about it.
Once you know what you want to talk about, think about who your target audience would be, as well as what they are looking for. Is there an existing gap that your podcast could fill?
Finally, define what makes your podcast is different to others. This could be from the guests you interview, to the way the podcast is recorded to segments within the podcast itself
Planning Your Podcast
You've now got an idea about your podcast, so let's get to planning it. You'll need to consider:
The podcast's name.
The format of the podcast (e.g., Q&A, solo podcast, panel discussion etc).
Where your podcast will be released on (e.g,. Spotify).
How it will be recorded (audio or video).
Length of the podcast.
Once you've got this sorted, you can consider topic titles and plan out your content.
Your Equipment
So let's discuss equipment. For a lot of people, they want to go straight into buying microphones and/or cameras. It's advised to consider both your costs and your overall vision for your podcast. There are microphones you can get on a budget or webcams are a good alternative to cameras. We'd recommend using free software to help you with recording. For example, Descript are a great tool for recording podcast (in person) and Zoom or Teams can be useful for remote recordings.
You'll also need to consider the software you will use to edit your podcast afterwards. Adobe Podcast or Audacity are great tools to help with this. The software can also help with clearing noisy audio, adding sound effects or music, and building a brand for your podcast.
Recording Your Podcast
Record in a quiet, echo-free space (if possible). You don't have to record in a studio to produce a podcast (as studios can be expensive). You can use blankets or foam panels to reduce background noise and echo and also use direct microphones as well. If you feel like you might go off track, a script or outline can help with keeping you on track and ensure you cover all important points. Doing a few test recordings are a great way to get comfortable with your equipment and delivery.
Hosting and Distributing Your Podcast
Make sure you choose a reliable podcast hosting platform to upload your episodes (for audio podcasts). Submit your podcast to directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher to reach a wider audience and :Â Ensure your hosting platform provides an RSS
We use Buzzsprout which is a great tool to support you, and they have many guides on YouTube on how to optimise your podcast. feed to distribute your episodes automatically to various platforms.
If you are doing a video podcast, YouTube is a great platform to use and vidIQ are a great channel to follow if you want to learn more about how to start and grow a YouTube Channel.
Engaging with Your Audience
Once you've released an episode(s), encourage listeners to leave reviews, comments, and feedback. Make sure you respond to their messages to build a community. Think also about creating interactive content like Q&A sessions, polls, and live recordings to engage your audience. Be open to testing new things.
But most importantly, make sure you release episodes on a regular schedule. This is because consistency helps build a loyal listener base.
Monetizing Your Podcast
Finally, think about how you could monetise your podcast. Is sponsorship, Patreon, or merchandise could help?
To conclude, podcasting is an exciting journey that allows you to share your voice and connect with a global audience. By following these essentials, you'll be well on your way to creating a successful podcast that resonates with listeners.